
About me

My name is Kimi Chi

Dr. Chinese medicine.

28 years ago I set myself the goal of finding the natural solutions to balance our physical and emotional body.
I had a deep knowing that natural glow, good health and vitality do not come from pharmaceutical, diets, Botox or any other fast solutions but from within. I knew that its a way of living.

Every road I took, always led me back to the Tao – to Nature.
So i decided to specialized in Chinese medicine and there I found all the answers I was looking for.

I discovered that the Chinese emperors wanted exactly what we all want today,
to feel and look vital.

That after thousands of years of investigating nature and the human body, the masters came back with a very clear conclusion – when man distances, disconnect or rebels nature and his own nature, he loses his life force, get old faster, go out of balance experience dis ease and later on suffer from disease.

The Tao is the natural way that connected to source (mater and spirit) and Chinese medicine is the method that bring us back when we lose the way.

I’m here to share with you the way of the Tao. and provide you with Chinese medicine tools to help you feel and look your best in a natural way.