
Online Customize detox

This program is for people that wish to do a detox at home and want to get guidelines of how to make it right and according to their own body need.

The 7 day online detox include:

1. Diagnosis – I diagnose your body by your tongue, nails, hair, moon cycle and deep questioning about your health, since the day you were born. that gives me full understanding of your emotional and physical state of being. then I customize you a plan by the Chinese medicine method :

2. Customized nutrition that will get your body ready for your 1 week detox.

3. Customized juice fast tailor to your own need, include, customize herbs and detox supplements.

Every body requires and need a different treatment and nourishment. There is not one food that is healthy for everyone even if it consider healthy. For one person ginger aloe vera or cinnamon can be very healing and to another person it can only do arm. One person need a parasite cleans another liver detox or to clean inflammation from the digestive system. Each one of us is a whole world and the balance needed in accordance.

4. I will guide you through practice for an every day emotional support :

Breath work -Chi gong -Kundalini sexual energy -Meditation -Releasing of emotional compost suppressed emotions that sit in our body as poison.

5. You will receive a customized menu to step out of the cleanse, step by step.

6. Customized nutrition to continue an healthy lifestyle.